Monday, September 28, 2009

Atomic Dog, or Nice Guys.....Don't get laid

I've finally accepted the reality that my girlfriend of the past 6 months is done with me (see the poem September).
It seems I've spent the better part of the past year searching for love, putting my heart out and getting burnt. i don't harbour any ill will to wards the two ladies (well, may be every now and then),but I've learnt a very hard lesson: most women DON'T want a nice guy who's ready to put his heart out and reveal himself. they may like him, pity him or even tolerate him, but they don't want him.
nice guys end up like Wile E. Coyote - running in mid-air off the edge of a cliff, and the last sound you hear before your body plummets to the ground and goes SPLAT!! is "beep! beep!"
So I've lowered my expectations somewhat. As long as I can get laid with some kind of frequency, then love can take a backseat....waaaaay back.

"Atomic Dog" - that's my new calling card; "bow-wow-wow; yibby-yo yibby-yay!"

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Poem

Sharing with you a poem of heartbreak


Like the tears of a broken man
breaking the heat
that had peaked
In June
Love declared too soon
Still standing by
in July and August
As disaster roared in
Finding a heart
A hapless mound of sticks
built on sand
And great was the calamity of it
September brings
for the newly disoriented
And the abject dread
of knowing
there'll be no
to help navigate
Another lonely Christmas

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Let No [One] Man Put Asunder

Why does the process of divorce have to be so involved and disheartening in Jamaica? Its not like I'm Paul McCartney with a gazillion dollars to part with or stuff like that.

Why is it that 4 different lawyers will give you four different versions of the process - of what is required from you, how long it will take and what its likely to cost?

I separated from my wife of 16 years last May (2008) and there are times when I almost feel its not worth the hassle.

I'm not seeking custody of our 2 children, but I certainly want unlimited visitation. We'll just have to see
The situation is compounded by the fact that I'm not in a regular job or earning nay significant income at the moment

But I figured, the birth of my son (now 14 years old) was an epochal event that I decided to write about (a column called "Fatherhood") and it worked (I've gotten more responses to that to anything I've written. So this being another epochal event for me, I figure, 'what have I got to lose.

I'd love to hear from other "separated men" out there (and you who have gone through divorce (whether single or remarried) Email me at and/or post your comments on this blog

I'm continuing my adventure of "sudden" singlehood. Hope to share some stories